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Shipment Callbacks

This section gives an overview of all the available callback messages for Shipments. Callback messages are send to one endpoint only. Look at the protocol section for more information about callback messages.

Ensure Successfull Delivery

When receiving a callback message, you must always respond with a HTTP 2xx code when the message is received at your end. Any other errors or failures will queue the message for a later time. Failed messages are retried indefinitely and are only discarded upon successful delivery.


Sent to the callback url when a shipment's status (stateCode) has changed.

    "messageType": "ShipmentStatusUpdate",
    "message": {
        "shipmentUid": "",                      # Used in HMAC as value to hash
        "stateCode": "WaitForReceiver",
        "stateStart": "2015-03-25T16:14:01",
        "shipmentType": "LocalPupShipment",
        "referenceNo": "",          
        "referenceCaseNo": "",
        "description": "",
        "pupUid": null,                         # Related pick up point's uid.
        "fromUserUid": null,                    # Source user's uid (if available)
        "toUserUid": null                       # Target user's uid (if available)